European OOH


and Programmatic


Thursday May 3, 2018




09.30 Welcome | Mungo Knott | Insight and Innovation Director | Primesight and Joint Chair | Outsmart Standards Committee

10:00 Automating the Agency <> Media Owner Transactions | Tobias van Amstel | CEO & Co-founder | Signkick

10:45 COFFEE

11:15 Using Data, Insights, and Programmatic Buying for Better Audience Reach | Stephanie Gutnik | VP of Business Development | Broadsign, Mendel Looije | Founder and CEO | OutMoove, Niklas Cederlöf | Programmatic Marketing Manager | Foodora, Arno Buskop | Head of Data, Tools and Analytics | Kinetic, a WPP subsidiary

12:00 Core Services Explained, the (new) Ad Tech Business | Tim Harvey | Director of Business Transformation | JCDecaux, Fernando Mayorga | Chief Technology Officer | LiveDOOH, Simon Murray | CEO | Specle, Simon Booth | CTO | Scoota

12.45 LUNCH

14:00 Why Haven’t More Agencies and Brands Engaged with DOOH | Stephanie Gutnik | VP of Business Development | Broadsign, Sven Ruppert | Splicky, CEO, Karen Chan | Director, Emerging Channels | MediaMath, Dan Larden | Strategic Partnerships Director | Infectious Media

15:00 Revenue Management; Customer Analysis and Pricing |David Giudici | Finance & Sales Director and Elias Bauguil | Strategy & Consulting Director | MEREO

15:45 TEA / COFFEE

16:30 Has Programmatic Public Video Been Doing This Right All Along? | Christian Moody | UK Director, EMEA | Ayuda, Christian von den Brincken | Managing Director | Ströer, Joe Cotugno | Managing Director | Ayuda, Andreas Soupliotis | CEO | Hivestack

17.15 Closing Remarks | Mungo Knott | Marketing & Insight Director | Primesight and Joint Chair | Outsmart Standards Committee



etc. venues Marble Arch
Garfield House
86 Edgware Road
W2 2EA

For directions to the venue, click here.